Norse News

The Genocide of the Swedes

In this fourth episode of Norse News we give you an update on the latest insane stories out of Sweden, the canary in the multicultural coalmine.

Stories covered in this show:

1. The Islamization of Sweden
Swedish Authorities Give in to Pressure From Muslim Brotherhood

2. Latest Insanity from Absurdistan
Swedish Tie-Dye Witches Sexually Abuse “Refugee Children”

3. Genocide of the Swedes<br>
Government Should Be Prosecuted for Genocide Against the Swedes

4. Why We Love Sweden
Midsummer, one of the most important traditions to the northern people.

Norse News keeps an eye on the North. We give you the latest news and scandals from Scandinavia.

Norse News is a collaboration between Red Ice TV and Ingrid & Conrad.



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