
The Surrendered Wife: Stop Nagging & Controlling, Be Feminine

Laura Doyle started The Surrendered Wives movement inspired by her book, The Surrendered Wife. She is a New York Times bestselling author whose books have been translated into 17 languages. She has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America and The View.

A video version of this show is available here.

Laura joins us for a lively discussion on femininity, marriage, and much more. We begin by discussing Laura’s story, including how she came to truly embrace her feminine side. Laura explains that she was originally very controlling, and that this negatively affected her marriage. However, she eventually gained a new perspective that allowed her to rekindle her relationship with her husband. Laura relates the skills that helped save her marriage and lead a more fulfilling life, including letting go, communicating more effectively, and setting aside time for personal enjoyment.



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