Western Warrior

Conspiracy To 'Save' The Election, 'Bathhouse Fauci' Paid Millions For Chinese Virus Research, CCP's Corona Video PsyOp

Episode 174 begins with a few tweets. A pregnant woman takes the Covid vaccine and has a miscarriage shortly after. Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs, hurting their own ratings. #GORILLAGLUE is used as another example of horrible “racism” and a new Viking show on Netflix will feature a black woman playing Haakon Jarl, a man. Also in Scandinavia, Sweden begins to dismantle power plants to “save” the environment.

The US government is back to trans galore as Biden lifts Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military. Meanwhile China's Ministry of Education plans to tackle the feminization of male youths.

It has come out that weasel Dr. Fauci secretly ordered Chinese “animal experiments” with disturbing links to the Covid “outbreak.” Fauci also used to lurk in gay bath houses and bars to “learn about aids up close.” We also re-watch a few Covid fear videos used as psychological weapons to bring America to her knees.

Israeli PM says the ICC investigation into Israel is “pure antisemitism” and an establishment Republican is arrested for possessing the sickest, most disturbing child porn.

Later, Time magazine admits to a “shadow campaign” that got Biden elected.



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